Each of us has experienced, at one time or another, the chaotic, turbulent and uncertain feelings and body states associated with the moment-by-moment onslaught of telephone calls, emails, meetings and to-do lists that are so common in our daily lives. During such times and experiences a person becomes stressed, de-centered and unfocused. How can one get a perspective on and transform these states-of-mind and body? Simply put, by becoming more mindfully-minded.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (part 1)
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (part 2)
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (part 3)
Mindfulness is best described as moment-to-moment, non-judgemental, observational awareness. Mindfulness training – the practice of paying attention – teaches a person how to dwell in states of deep relaxation, awareness and insight. It teaches one how to slow down “the onslaught” by intentionally and attentively increasing their capacity to reside in an inner space of stillness and non-doing with an open-heart and open-mind toward oneself and others. A person cultivates mindfulness by calmly paying attention to their breathing, body sensations, perceptions, thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness is about being fully awake in one’s living. It is about waking up to the clarity and wisdom embedded in every moment. Got a question, need an answer, Let’s Talk.