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Are You Living Your Life on Purpose

Most people want to live a full, purposeful life that is rich and full of meaning. People who live their lives on purpose are excited to wake up each day and see what the day has in store. They have plans and goals that enrich their lives and are continually working towards self-progression and fulfilling their personal dreams and desires.

If you feel like your life is lacking purpose or drive, you can change your focus with these suggestions.

Find out what fulfills you.

Everyone has different things they find fulfilling and that make them happy. Take a moment to think of the things and activities in your life that help you feel content and satisfied once you’ve accomplished them. For example, maybe you feel fulfilled spending time with your children and being a good parent. Or, maybe you find joy and fulfillment in your career. Once you know what gives you a feeling of personal satisfaction, you can focus your time and energy on these things.

Set goals.

Setting and accomplishing goals is a great way to add purpose to your life. Your goals can be short-term or long-term. For example, maybe you want to make it a goal to read to your children each night. Or, perhaps you have wanted to start a business but are unsure of where to start. Set goals to help you put your life in motion and achieve purpose, regardless how big or small the goal or accomplishment.

Be passionate.

A life on purpose is filled with passions. Pursue the things you are passionate about and you will find that your life is more purpose-driven as you spend time doing the things you love. You don’t have to love every task you do, but try and see the purpose in the things you are doing if you start to feel frustrated. At the same time, explore new things in order to discover new passions.

Focus on others.

Many people begin to see their lives as more purposeful and fulfilling when they reach out to others. Many Calgary psychology experts recommend helping those who are less fortunate as a way to help you put your life in perspective and add meaning and purpose to it. There are many simple ways to do this, from volunteering at local shelters or soup kitchens to donating your used clothing to charities to participating in a fundraising walk/run.

Live in the present.

While living life on purpose involves setting goals and working towards them to achieve your dreams and be happy, it’s also important to live in the present moment. This means noticing your surroundings, being a good listener, and taking time to meditate and appreciate what you have at any given time. Throughout life, you’ll go through a number of life stages and changes. Experience life one day at a time and focus your attention on each day, and you will be able to better live your life with purpose on a daily basis.

Living a life on purpose is rewarding and fulfilling. These easy tips will help you  find happiness and purpose in your life.