Let’s Talk

When a Why helps a How

Have you ever asked yourself, "How am I ever going to get through this"?  In our existentially saturated lived lives most of us have and will again.  "How" is a statement about process.  "Why" is a statement about purpose.  Paraphrasing Nietzsche, "give a person a why and they will endure any how".  So if you're… Read more ...

Going to see a psychologist, what to expect.

Ever wondered what your first visit to a psychologist's office might look like?  It's really no mystery.  The art and practice of psychology is about creating a safe space for two human beings to make meaning through meeting and talking.  Your engagement with a psychologist for therapy or counselling (counseling) will begin with a discussion… Read more ...

Sometimes Little is Big

Choosing to make a difference each and every day can be a real-life revelation and actualization of your humanity in the making. Making a difference doesn't need to be about the big things, the little things will do just fine. Actually, attending to the little things that concern another can build a bigger bond, trust… Read more ...

Sustenance that Sustains Self: The Care and Feeding of Self

Common sense says that each of us is or has a self. But having a self isn't about possessing something that is static. It is about intentionally and lucidly participating in the emergence of something that is dynamic. The human act of "selfing" is our most precious renewable resource. Yet, how does one go about… Read more ...